
Anti-ageing medicine is the future model or evolution of the medical consultation of general practice, as it is the combination of advanced clinical preventive medicine and use of biotechnology advances. As such, anti-ageing medicine is based on principles of responsible medical care that is consistent with those applied in other preventive health specialities.

It is founded on the application of advanced scientific and medical technologies for the early detection, prevention, treatment, and reversal of age-related dysfunction, disorders, and diseases.

In 2014 Dr Zafra and Dr Reynoso did a thesis on the effects of metformin, which was presented to obtain the title of Master of Science (M.Sc) in Anti-ageing and Aesthetic Medicine of the University of Barcelona. The results of their thesiswere consist with the evidence available in hundreds of articles published in NCBI (National Centre for Biotechnology Information) and in 2015 various articles were published on mainstream media about anti-ageing, two of which are a very interesting read and the links are below.


Life expectancy has increased due to advances in medical science, however it has come with little progress towards quality of life or the length of disease-free years in the majority of population. Research studies clearly prove that modest interventions in diet, improvement in nutrition and exercise significantly impact healthy function in old-age. A study done in 2,432 elder Canadians enrolled in the Canadian National Population Health Survey, which tracked participants’ health for a ten-year period, 1994 to 2004. The researchers found that the most important predictors of excellent health over the entire decade were:

  • absence of chronic illness

  • having never smoked

  • drinking alcohol in moderation

  • managing stress levels

Many of these factors can be modified when you are young or middle-aged. While these findings may seem like common sense, now we have evidence of which factors contribute to exceptional health. Today’s healthcare challenges and tomorrow’s opportunity can only be met by those who search out deeper explanations of the body processes that generate health and disease.

Jorge Zafra